February 16, 2011

Today in writing, we read Abe Lincoln’s Hat.  We wrote about what we would keep under our hat if we wore a hat like Abraham Lincoln.  In math, we reviewed adding and subtracting coins.  In reading, we read about the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument and completed a comprehension assignment.

Colin S. won our blog challenge….Where is Mrs. Saccoccio?  I was in Austin, Texas.

January 25, 2011

Today in writing, we talked about using vivid verbs in our writing and how it can really make your writing shine.  We are going to begin posting stars around the room showing examples of ‘sparkling’ verbs students have used in their writing.  In math, we took our chapter 6 test on subtracting with regrouping.  In reading, we continued our study of Patricia Polacco.  We read The Keeping Quilt and then created our own classroom quilt to symbolize each person in our classroom family.  In science, we continued our study of the water cycle and did the second trial of our experiment.

January 24, 2011

Today we learned a cool science study.  It was to see how many drops of water it took before the cotton ball dripped.  It took 188 drops!  It was showing how when water evaporates into clouds it will eventually precipitate.  By Ty

In writing, we read Meteor and began a story about a time something amazing happened to us.  In math, we worked on deciding in word problems if we needed to add or subtract.  Tomorrow we will have our chapter 6 test so practice subtracting with regrouping.  In reading, we read My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother as we continue our author study of Patricia Polacco books.  In science, we are studying the water cycle.

January 4, 2011

We  learned  how  to  subtract two-digit numbers today in math.  We also danced to the banana  song.  Mrs. Saccoccio loves that song.

By:  Kailyn

In writing we are beginning writing letters.  Today we talked about the five parts of a letter which are the date, greeting, body, closing, and signature.  In math we are beginning subtracting two-digit numbers.  We will soon start subtracting with borrowing so it is a good idea to make sure that we really know our subtraction facts.  In reading we are continuing our study of Jan Brett books, but we are now reading her winter books.  Today we read The Hat.  We also talked about New Year’s resolutions today. 

We would like to welcome Mrs. Hunt.  She is our new student teacher and we look forward to having her in our class.

December 6, 2010

Today in writing, we started a new story in writer’s workshop. In math, we are still working on graphing and gathering data. In reading, we read Santa’s Snow Cat and talked about compound words.  We have been working hard practicing for our upcoming Christmas show.  As we near Christmas break, make sure that you continue to read each night at home and record it on your reading logs.  Also, tomorrow is a spelling test so make sure you review your words.

November 30, 2010

Today we talked about contractions.  We played a game on our interactive whiteboard to reinforce what we were learning.  We then started our alien stories.  To get our brain focused and to help us plan our stories, we went to the computer lab and took ‘alien’ pictures of ourselves using Photobooth and then came back and planned our stories.  In math, we learned about making and reading bar graphs.  In reading, we have continued our study of Jan Brett stories.  Today we read Trouble with Trolls and then research Jan Brett on her website.  We also watched a video of how she illustrates her stories.  We even tried to draw one of her characters!  We are bringing home a new book order today.  They are due on Friday.  Tomorrow a letter will go home with instructions on how to order online.