It’s time to begin voting for our class on Limeades for Learning. Remember, if you have never voted before, it will send you an email to confirm your vote. Your vote doesn’t count until you go through the email that they send you. If it isn’t in your inbox, you may need to check you junk folder. You only have to do this the first time. You can vote once daily from EACH email address you have. So don’t forget to vote each day and tell all your friends to vote. Click the link below to start voting….
August 26, 2011
Well week one is already over… but it was definitely a wonderful week. I have enjoyed getting to know each one of my special new kiddos. We worked hard this week to learn the procedures of the classroom and school, but we also learned how to pick a book that is ‘just right’ for us! We used a song to drive the lesson home. Enjoy your kid’s mad dancing skills. 🙂
August 25, 2011
Today was another great day in second grade! We have started reviewing the first 60 “No Excuse” spelling words that students should have learned in kindergarten and first grade. In writing, we are still discussing and learning how writer’s workshop will work as well as how to manage our writer’s workshop tools. The students had the opportunity to write me a letter telling me about themselves. In math, we are adding by counting on. You can visit the following website to help your student with their math at http://tinyurl.com/saccoccio-math if needed. In reading, we learned about picking books that are appropriate for ourselves by learning a song called IPICK. We also finished our social contract today and agreed upon how we wanted to treat each other. This week has really flown by. Make sure to read the note that went home today regarding the pep rally if you are planning to take your child. Also, it is important to check your child’s folder and planner each night and sign the planner.
Limeades for Learning
Parents – Limeades for Learning voting starts August 29th, but they are already handing out the stickers with codes for voting so make sure to save those and send those to school with your sweet little ones. Also ask family, friends, and coworkers to save them for you as well. They are using these stickers to stick your receipt to the bag….I’ll give you more details in the next couples of day as to how to vote for our class’ Limeade for Learning project. Projects are won based on the number of votes! Happy Tuesday! 🙂
Our First Day of School!
What an amazing day we had today! It was great to see all those smiling faces. Parents, make sure to fill out the permission form to post pictures on this blog so that we can start sharing what we are doing at school and be sure to do your homework! 🙂 I am looking forward to an amazing year!
August 1, 2011
Summer is quickly coming to an end and school will be here before we know it. I am looking forward to meeting each one of the bright faces that will be joining me this year. Please look around our blog for an abundance of useful information and be sure to like our classroom Facebook fan page. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Enjoy these last days of summer! 🙂
Community Meeting
There will be a school wide community budget meeting on Sunday, April 10 3:00 – 4:00 in the elementary cafeteria. If possible, I urge all parents to attend.
Leprechaun Traps
Now all we need to do is decide what we are going to do when we trap our Leprechaun!
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March 8, 2011
This week in writing, we are continuing our fairy tale unit and writing our own fairy tales. In math, we are working on reading thermometers and clocks. We will have our test tomorrow over these skills. In reading this week, we are reading St. Patrick’s Day stories and working on skills such as putting words in ABC order and adding inflectional endings to words. Don’t forget that next week is Spring Break. Also, tomorrow is Spring Pictures! Make sure to dress your best!