Parents…what a wonderful first three days of school we have had! This is just a reminder that a lot of paperwork has been sent home in the last couple of days. Please make sure that you get that completed and turned in. Also, if you have not finished the scrapbook page about your child, please get that to me as soon as possible. The kids have really enjoyed sharing these with their classmates and I want all of the kids to have this opportunity. Also, it is important that you check your child’s folder each night for important papers and sign their planner. 🙂 Thanks for all you do and I can’t wait to get to know your kiddo even better.
Mrs. Saccoccio’s Whizzes!
Introducing Mrs. Saccoccio’s 2012 / 2013 class. What a great group of kiddos! I can’t wait for us to do a lot of fun things together and learn lots of neat stuff.
2012/2013 School Year
Well the 2012/2013 school year is quickly approaching. I can’t wait to meet my group of smiling faces. Just FYI…Pre-K and kindergarten round-up are August 9, 2012 from 9 – 12:00 and from 1 – 4:00. This is also the day of registration for anyone who is new to the district. Registration for all returning students is August 14, 2012 from 9 – 12:00 and 1 – 4:00. Remember that all students must provide a current proof of residency (utility bill or lease agreement) before they can register. Registration is at the elementary gym.
Meet the teacher at the Primary School will be August 23, 2012 from 4 – 5:00 p.m.
Our 2012/2013 school year will begin on August 27, 2012. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
February 7, 2012
Today we read Olive My Love! We did coin counting in math.The Valentines Day party is coming soon. Alberto our munchkin read his favorite book called Jungle.
Come to our play March 5th. We’re starting to write letters. – Morgan
February 6, 2012
Alberto is Munchkin of the Week. He brought three stuffed puppies for his favorite things. We read a book called Roses are Pink Your Feet Realy Stink. It was very funny. Then we made a Valentines Day coupons for our parents. When it was time for P.E. we went outside on the track and did the running program! We are looking forward to our Valentines Day PARTY in 7 days! We had a long day and it was fun / but we were happy to go home!
by Karson
January 19, 2012
Today we read several books . We did adding and subtracting. We had to figure out which one to do using clue words like how many more or in all. We read Babushka’s Doll and started a story about one of our toys coming to life!
By Emma & Karson
January 17, 2012
Today we read Thank You Mr. Falker and Aunt Chip and the great Triple Creek Dam Affair. We found out what our part for the musical Pirates. We played math around the world and we made a Patricia Polacco treasury book.
By Emma
November 21, 2011
What an exciting day we had today! We rotated through all the teachers for a day of Thanksgiving fun in each subject. In Saccoccio’s Sensational Science class, we learned about Sir Isaac Newton and his Laws of Inertia. We performed many experiments that hopefully the kids will go home and share with their families for thanksgiving.
November 3, 2011
WOW…Is it November already???? In reading, we have begun a study of Doreen Cronin books and will continue that into next week. We are working on skills such as fact and opinion, sequencing, and main ideas. In math, we are continuing to work on adding with regrouping. We will have our test over this next week. In writing, we have been working on how-to papers. We will start working on writing persuasive papers next. In science, we are learning about the states of matter.
X-tra Math
Parents – Don’t forget that Xtra Math is a great site to increase your child’s math fluency. Helping your child to really master their math facts whether with this site, with flashcards, or with some other means will help them soar in math.