I teach 2nd grade in Elkhorn, Wisconsin and my students have really enjoyed your I Pick song–we went on today and it was gone. 🙁 Is there anyway you could give me the link to find your song again?
We have been trying to learn the song from your students-who by the way did a fantastic job :). I have been putting it up on my Smartboard and we sing along.
Thank you for your help & have a fantastic day!
Jessica Grimm
2nd grade teacher
West Side Elementary School [email protected]
It is still there. 🙂 Scroll down to the very bottom and click on previous
page. It was posted on Sept. 18 and we have just posted so much since then
that it has been pushed to the next page. You could also go under our Sept.
Archives and it will be there. Let me know if you still have problems.
Whew! I am so happy now. =)
I teach 2nd grade in Elkhorn, Wisconsin and my students have really enjoyed your I Pick song–we went on today and it was gone. 🙁 Is there anyway you could give me the link to find your song again?
We have been trying to learn the song from your students-who by the way did a fantastic job :). I have been putting it up on my Smartboard and we sing along.
Thank you for your help & have a fantastic day!
Jessica Grimm
2nd grade teacher
West Side Elementary School
[email protected]
It is still there. 🙂 Scroll down to the very bottom and click on previous
page. It was posted on Sept. 18 and we have just posted so much since then
that it has been pushed to the next page. You could also go under our Sept.
Archives and it will be there. Let me know if you still have problems.
Jenn Saccoccio
There is now a OUR VIDEO tab at the top of our blog. Click on it and you will find our video.