
1.  We are engaged in a penny war with the other classes throughout the district.  The money raised will be used to help victims of the recent fires.  This is a short contest and ends Friday.  The winning class will receive a pizza party and be allowed to run through the tunnel, following the Roughneck players, at the game.  Although it is a penny war, you may also send other forms of currency.

2.  Ms. Kimbley has arranged for the kids to have a drumming day on Tuesday, September 27th.  Students will have the opportunity to learning about an African drum.  Each student needs to send $1.00 to cover the expenses to me by Friday, September 23.

3.  Make sure that each night you complete your math homework, read for about twenty minutes, and fill in your reading log.  This is your homework each night.  It is the student’s responsibility to get their reading log and planner signed each night, but a gentle reminder from parents at the beginning of the year sure helps! 🙂

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