November 30, 2010

Today we talked about contractions.  We played a game on our interactive whiteboard to reinforce what we were learning.  We then started our alien stories.  To get our brain focused and to help us plan our stories, we went to the computer lab and took ‘alien’ pictures of ourselves using Photobooth and then came back and planned our stories.  In math, we learned about making and reading bar graphs.  In reading, we have continued our study of Jan Brett stories.  Today we read Trouble with Trolls and then research Jan Brett on her website.  We also watched a video of how she illustrates her stories.  We even tried to draw one of her characters!  We are bringing home a new book order today.  They are due on Friday.  Tomorrow a letter will go home with instructions on how to order online.

One thought on “November 30, 2010

  1. I love to make pictures on Photobooth. They really do look like Aliens. I have been looking for you on Twitter. Where have you been? On Mars?

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